Next New Media

It is quite difficult to imagine a new type of new media since it seems as though everything anyone could think of has already been brought to life. However, there is always room for improvement, and I believe the current generation of young adults and college students could benefit from a technology which helps in the simple part of a person's daily life: cooking. This new form of technology would combine the use of a mobile device (or any device that could connect to the internet), and the supply of ingredients already present in one's home. By keeping track of what an individual has in their kitchen, this application could suggest different recipes they could cook. The recipes would be pulled from the internet, and any missing ingredients would be indicated and priced using the offers in the user's preferred supermarket. A community aspect would also be included, as users would be able to connect to each other, whether they be friends or family, to create meals together. I believe this would make the idea of cooking simpler and more enjoyable, and would lead to students cooking more often at home, rather than overspending on eating out.


  1. Hi Emilia!

    I love this idea! I feel like cooking is something that most young people do not do anymore. Whether we have no time, no ingredients, or no drive to do it, cooking never happens. Personally for me, whenever I want to make something, I am always missing some ingredient and then I just give up on cooking it altogether. Having this type of new media would simplify the whole process and make people want to cook again. Great idea!

  2. This is a super cute idea! I think this is especially great for people who have a scarce amount of ingredients in their home and feel as if the only recipe they can concoct is the most boring and bland recipes. I think this app really brings communities together and can also encourage healthy eating by suggesting recipes that have lots of healthy ingredients (like fruits and vegetables).

    I imagine there would be upvotes and downvotes, or at least a form of rating to see how well the recipe is received. There can also be filters in regards to flavor palettes—like if the recipe is savoury, sour, sweet, etc. Also filters that pertain to one’s diet, like a preference of under a certain calorie count (which can be approximated according to the ingredients in the recipe) and even a filter for allergens. There’s lots of potential for this idea and I’d love to see it come to life!

    1. Even though this was a simple invention, I really appreciate the ideas you thought of to make this new media even more effective. The flavor palette filter is also something that would be interesting to play with, because it would be another way for users to discover new recipes they normally would not think about trying! I'm sure if we teamed up this project would be a success especially in New York where eating out is an expensive feat.

  3. Hi Emilia,

    I think that this is an amazing idea! We are living in the world where mostly everyone do take out. This system also seems like it will be more efficient especially to those who cook everyday. This app would help people in restaurant industry a lot. I also do agree with you that this will be very helpful to everyone. Great idea!

  4. Hi Emilia,
    I have to say that this is a great idea and I been in the situation where I bought all the ingredients I thought I needed only to find out that I left one major component of a recipe. Your idea could have helped me at that time! I think this benefits college students the most because many are beginning to cook for themselves and learn how to cook meals. In addition, like with all new technologies this new media could help make everyone's lives easier.


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