Social Networking as a Turning Point in the Modern Era

The human race is naturally an incredibly social species. Going through life without that connection to others makes it incredibly lonely and an overall negative experience, which is easily avoided by keeping in touch with those closest to you. While older media may have consisted of exchanging physical photos or calling someone's home phone, new media has changed the game by introducing the revolutionary concept of using the internet to foster our social tendencies. The introduction of social media such as MySpace, Facebook, and IM drastically changed the way the human race interacts, and can be viewed as a turning point in the world of technology. Throughout the semester I will research this phenomenon, and bring my findings together for my term paper project.


  1. Hi Emilia!

    I found it very interesting that you mentioned that loneliness is a serious negative experience for us as a species. I concur that we need interaction and also believe that social media brings the world closer, one connection at a time. Technology is so effective in solving problems that involve time or distance - specifically what you mentioned here: keeping in touch! It's amazing that we can have a real-time and instantaneous connection with someone on the other side of the world.
    I do have a question though - and maybe this could help you ponder some ideas for your research paper: what is your favorite social media platform and how effective is it in terms of establishing and/or maintaining that connection?


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