Blog Social Networking
The modern era is know for its use of media to practice being social creatures and continue their connections with others. Social media websites such as popular Facebook and Twitter allow for individuals to share updates on their lives, including simple status updates or now pictures and videos, to which audiences may react through commentary or reactions such as "likes", "favorites", or other emotion-based feedback. Companies use social media to their advantage as well. While the most popular reason to use the internet by various firms is for marketing, social media also shows its advantages when addressing the public on several issues, or receiving feedback from its customers.
One company that turned to social media in times of crisis was Amazon, the famous online retailer which started out as a simple bookstore. According to the New York Times in 2009, the company experienced a glitch on its website regarding the sales ranking of thousands of book that were available to purchase through their channel, and many customers turned to twitter to voice their opinions. While one user decided to take credit for the simple computer glitch, the thousands of people tweeting using "#AmazonFail resulted in the topic to trend on the site and therefore gain even more attention. Although this must have been a difficult situation for Amazon, it definitely allowed their employees to hear the voices of their customers to better assess and remedy the issue.
Another, albeit darker, way that social media is being utilized is by running scams through Facebook's marketplace, a platform on the social media website which helps people sell any items of value. According to NBC2, scammers would use Facebook's Marketplace or even closed groups to sell vehicles that were not at all for sale. These criminals would make convincing ads including a number of pictures of the vehicle being "sold", then send an email confirmation claiming to be through eBay for security purposes, requesting payment in eBay gift cards. While both websites let their users know of the incidents after many complaints, it is still clear to see how others may get tricked.
Technology in the modern era is a great thing when used correctly. Social media in particular bring people close together and allows for the sharing of personal statuses or opinions, which are seen by either family or even companies, should issues arise. However, with useful technology also comes those who use it to exploit others, especially when dealing with online/in-person transactions. It is imperative that while users enjoy these platforms, that they also keep their safety in mind.
“NBC2 Investigators: Multi-Million Dollar Scam Being Used on Facebook.” NBC2 News, 27 Apr. 2018,
Rich, Motoko. “Amazon Rights Error After Tweet-Rage on Twitter.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 13 Apr. 2009,
One company that turned to social media in times of crisis was Amazon, the famous online retailer which started out as a simple bookstore. According to the New York Times in 2009, the company experienced a glitch on its website regarding the sales ranking of thousands of book that were available to purchase through their channel, and many customers turned to twitter to voice their opinions. While one user decided to take credit for the simple computer glitch, the thousands of people tweeting using "#AmazonFail resulted in the topic to trend on the site and therefore gain even more attention. Although this must have been a difficult situation for Amazon, it definitely allowed their employees to hear the voices of their customers to better assess and remedy the issue.
Another, albeit darker, way that social media is being utilized is by running scams through Facebook's marketplace, a platform on the social media website which helps people sell any items of value. According to NBC2, scammers would use Facebook's Marketplace or even closed groups to sell vehicles that were not at all for sale. These criminals would make convincing ads including a number of pictures of the vehicle being "sold", then send an email confirmation claiming to be through eBay for security purposes, requesting payment in eBay gift cards. While both websites let their users know of the incidents after many complaints, it is still clear to see how others may get tricked.
Technology in the modern era is a great thing when used correctly. Social media in particular bring people close together and allows for the sharing of personal statuses or opinions, which are seen by either family or even companies, should issues arise. However, with useful technology also comes those who use it to exploit others, especially when dealing with online/in-person transactions. It is imperative that while users enjoy these platforms, that they also keep their safety in mind.
“NBC2 Investigators: Multi-Million Dollar Scam Being Used on Facebook.” NBC2 News, 27 Apr. 2018,
Rich, Motoko. “Amazon Rights Error After Tweet-Rage on Twitter.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 13 Apr. 2009,
Hey Emilia, Facebook has provided a plethora of beneficial features that makes our lives easier, but like you mentioned, it has attracted a lot of unwanted users. Take the marketplace for example, it was originally a place to sell stuff; however, users cannot even differentiate between a real seller and a scammer like you mentioned.